Friday, October 17, 2008

Is "Thank You" ever enough?

Okay, this for some reason has been on my mind so I decided to blog about it. I have always felt that when I received a gift from someone whether it be a birthday present or a x-mas gift or anything in between when I say "thank you" it isn't enough. I feel that I have to tell the person several times "thank you" before I, myself feel like they really know I appreciate the gift. I guess I do not want people to think that I am a spoiled or ungrateful person. I was thinking this morning while getting ready for work that I wanted to blog about this and I can remember as a child-teenager I expected my mom to buy me a new pair of shoes instead of asking for a new pair of shoes. Why did I do that? I wasn't raised that way at all. And why did my mom allow me to act that way and talk that way to her? When I was young she didn't allow me to act that way! I guess maybe she just gave up? Mom, if you are reading this, which I am sure you are, I'm sorry for being that spoiled brat that EXPECTED you to give me things. I hope that I will be able to raise Halle the way that my parents raised me and to appreciate the things that are given to her. So, to get off my soap box, thank you to all my friends and family for just being you.

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