Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's just me.

Well there hasn't been much going on at the Hynniman house except teething and runny noses. We keep thinking any day that Halle is going to wake up with a tooth, but it hasn't happened yet. She is putting everything in site in her mouth. We have found that she is going to be just like her mommy and cousin Aidan with the tags. She has sucked on the tag on her favorite frog to the tag on her leapfrog mirror (yes, that it is quite funny). Thanks to Elizabeth she now has her taggy blanket with her at all times. Why didn't I think of that? Thank you Liz. We are getting ready for Thanksgiving and all of our family that we will see along with our new baby cousin Hunter and his mommy and daddy that will be coming home for the weekend. Oh, and how could I forget the "big" game this weekend. Let's go Bama. Roll Tide!! I guess that is really about all. I am posting some random pictures of Halle that I am posting. I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy being with your families.

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