Well this weekend is almost over and I could not be more ready. We started off Friday with
Halle having her tubes put in and everything went well. She is recovering rather well. Saturday we dealt with her fussiness all day. Saturday night, I got sick with obviously a 24 hour bug. About 9pm that night I started throwing up and had an upset stomach too. It was horrible. I woke up this morning and decided to stay home from Church and
re coop. Why is it when you get sick, it takes all the energy you have with it? My dad called after Church to tell me I missed him reading the announcements and welcoming this morning. Man, what I would give to hear that again! For those of you who don't know my dad, that took
alot of guts to get up in front of our Church. He said he was very nervous which I would have been too. Anyway, so I have spent the whole day lying around and I have already taken TWO naps. Yes, I have a wonderful hubby who stayed home from his second love (playing golf) to take care of
Halle. I know it is killing him to seeing that he couldn't play yesterday. So, please pray that we have a better week. Hope you all had a great weekend.