Monday, July 6, 2009

Halle 1st play date

Well, last week Halle had her first play date at our house. Her BFF Lily came over to play for a little while. It was really funny how it happened and I would love to share it. So, after work, I stopped by Andi's house(Lily's mom) and while I was there Lily came up to me and I picked her up and walked around with her. I said Lily do you want to go with me and she waved bye bye to Andi. We continued to do this for a while. I made my way to the front door and Lily was still waving bye bye to her mommy, so I told Andi to go get her dressed and off we went. She never cried, she never fussed and we got to the house and the girls chased each other around and had fun laughing and playing. Andi could not believe that she went with me and never looked back. Here are the pictures I took while they were playing.

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